Missions, Rewards and more


In order to complete a mission, a certain amount of experience has to be obtained by playing sub‐missions (those include battles against the minions of the opposing faction and a few mini-games). Each mission consists of 5 to 10 replayable sub‐missions, which will allow you to eventually unlock the boss of the missions (in most cases ‐ the alternating historical figure related to the mission).


After successful mission completion, the player will be given the option to recruit a historical figure for their team, or by reaching the maximum score for the mission, the player will also have the option to recruit the alternative version of the historical figure. In the process of battles, players can win or earn all kinds of collectible items, which can bring different value to the gameplay.


In the game there are three types of NFTs:

  1. Heroes - a player might have as many Heroes as they can gather, and each of them is an NFT item. Players need at least 3 Heroes to participate in combat and play PvE or PvP, but they can sell or DNAShuffle any Hero they own.

  2. Hero Items - these are special NFT items gathered through playing the game, buying mystery boxes or buying on the marketplace. Items can be assigned to Heroes modifying some of their skills to a profession different from the Hero’s current one. Some skills can only be used if the Hero has a specific item (example: to use the RIFLE SHOT skill, a hero needs to have an item of type Rifle). They can also apply various boosts and passive skills to the Hero.

  3. Hero Camps - the main base of operation for each player. Each player needs at least one camp in order to play the game, but multiple can be acquired, upgraded and traded on the market. Camps provide multiple passive skills and stats improvements to the player’s team based on the level it’s upgraded to.

Unexpected Multiplayer game tweaks

The game will have very strong Multiplayer integration. Starting from direct PvP battles, going through random clash events in different missions and time periods between the two factions (Time Keepers and Time Breakers) and their Heroes (game characters), resulting in a huge war between the factions.

  • Factions. Each action and mission finished by a single player will gain points for their faction. The game timeline and current state will change at the end of each month depending on which faction has more leverage (has caused more changes/fixes to the timeline, e.g., completed more successful missions). This makes the whole gameplay very dynamic and will constantly change the players’ feelings of the game and the challenges they face. This will affect the storyline and every outcome of each mission the player completes. This outcome will even affect each faction’s interface and screen visuals.

  • Direct battles - real time. Players have the option to attack each other in Direct Battles. The attacking player can propose one of four options for the battle: --> Friendly (auto/real-time) - no staking required. --> Casual (auto/real-time) - GOLD tokens have to be staked, winner takes all the staked tokens, but a small protocol cut. --> Heroic (auto/real-time) - TIMS tokens have to be staked, winner takes all the staked tokens, but a small protocol cut + GOLD rewards for both participating players. --> Ultra Heroic (real-time) - each player agrees to stake their participating NFTs - the winner takes one of their opponent’s NFTs. Both players receive bonus GOLD and TIMS rewards. The attacked player can decide to accept, reject or delay the battle. When rejecting - the player can propose another type of battle instead. Depending on the type of the battle, players can decide if the battle will take place in real-time (active player battle management) or will be played automatically (AI manages the battle for both sides).

  • AI powered Random Clash Events. Another unique game mechanic is the clash events ‐ while playing PvP (missions), if another player from the opposing faction plays the same mission simultaneously with a level close to yours, there will be a chance for a clash to happen. You’ll have to defeat this opposing player’s team for extra experience and other prizes.

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